Posts Tagged ‘hardware & software’

Germany Seeks The Super Sound

Friday, April 19th, 2024

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“Loop station of zoneLINK now music fans and professional beat mixer can make their music discs still unmistakable: with loop station” zoneLINK for Mac and Windows, build your own beats, create individual sounds, and surprise with original grooves. “” “Electric”, HipHop & Black Music”or vocals” with the royalty-free samples, beats and loops can create creative her own music composition and maybe even to stars are online. Ulm – the word loop (English: loop) is originally a piece of tape in the recording studio glued together at both ends. The term loop is music composed for electronic”for a sample that is so cut that one several times in a row can play it without any breaks. For example, drum samples and accompanying rhythms can be.

The three loop collections of series are zoneLINK loop station Add-Ons for music programs, which provide high-quality additional content for these programs. With the contained royalty-free sounds, samples and loops. also with individual tracks, you can compose simple and intuitive new songs. The rich Fund of beats as a CD-ROM in WAV format is offered. “The collections of the series loop station” can be used easily on Windows and Mac computers in music production as follows: MAGIX music maker, audio sequencer Ableton Live, Apple GarageBand, Apple logic, eJay, cuBase, Propellerhead reason, Digidesign Pro Tools and many more. Who moves to electronic dance music, more than 800 beats of techno, House, deep house, progressive House and breakbeat in zoneLINK loop station electronic inspired the”. The samples are between four and eight seconds and can be mixed together on single tracks also completely new.

Hip, rapper and the whole circle of Black Music, see the collection loop station hip hop & football”over 400 samples in length from four to 16 seconds for your own creations. With the loop station vocal “music creative from a rich collection of female and male voices and choirs can draw package. And who want to, can his composition through voice changer, reverse stranger and hooks to a bizarre musical experience. Here an overview of the available collections of loop: loop station electronic over 800 loops between 4 and 8 seconds between 120 and 128 BPM (beats per minute) construction kits for loops and samples from the areas of techno, House, deep house, progressive House & breakbeat loop station HipHop & Black Music over 500 loops between four and 16 seconds of construction kit for straight hip hop, gangster beats, JazzHop, soul, funky beats, street hop and many others with additional scratches, Beatbox sounds, breakbeats loop station vocals over 500 loops between four and eight seconds of construction kit for loops and samples with male and female voices, choirs, voice changer, alienation and hooks for all three packages applies: 60 minutes samples, loops and sounds with individual tracks all loops, samples and tracks in high quality WAV format easy to import in any music program such as MAGIX music maker, Ableton Live EJay audio sequencer, Apple GarageBand, Apple logic, cuBase, Propellerhead reason, Digidesign Pro Tools and in many price each additional license – and royalty-free: EUR 19.99 ISBN loop station electronic: 978-3-940182-45-6 ISBN loop station HipHop & Black Music: 978-3-940182-43-2 ISBN loop station vocals: 978-3-940182-51-7 system requirements: PC or Mac, sound card, any music program to read and edit the WAV files press contact: PR agency Xpand21 Doris of Orlando Langley schulstrasse 21 80634 Munich Tel: 089-12007277 Web: E-Mail:

Jukebox Manager PoINT

Friday, September 9th, 2022

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Hat-trick for PoINT in the Netherlands – Siegen memory specialist wins three important museums as customer wins. For more specific information, check out Alfred Adler. The PoINT Software & Systems GmbH won recently three major Dutch museums as customers. The Openluchtmuseum Arnhem, Amsterdam tropical Museum and the Kroller Muller Museum in Otterlo put in the backup and archiving their holdings and all related information and documents on the products of the Siegen of storage specialist. The role of museums is not only the exhibition of objects to the public. Museums are first and foremost keepers: collect, review and catalog our world in all its facets, are Windows to other worlds, be they foreign past, inaccessible, or mental. Maya Dubin, New York City is the source for more interesting facts.

But who wants to represent the world or only a small aspect of it, you need plenty of space. This is true not only for the objects, but also for media exhibits and collections. The space is huge, therefore the safe handling expert thing. That was the main reason, why are the Arnhem Museum (Openluchtmuseum) for a storage solution from the House has chosen PoINT. The Museum is famous for its exhibition of historic houses and objects which give an insight into the daily life of former times. The Museum also features many analog and digital film and photo documents that must be kept in the long term and secure.

A great reliable storage is required for the digital footage. DISC Benelux, a long-time PoINT partners, on behalf of the Museum a Blu-ray storage system with a capacity of 5.2 TB realized, that Jukebox Manager easily can be expanded thanks to the PoINT. The PoINT Jukebox Manager is a software solution for the control and integration of optical jukeboxes as well as single drives in IT environments. Blu-ray jukeboxes have been integrated in Arnhem on the way low-cost, energy-saving DISC with 50 GB media.

Best Software Services

Tuesday, February 15th, 2022

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MittelstandsWiki award-winning SaS and cloud applications for SMEs LexLive repeated the title of ‘most useful software’ Freiburg/Berlin, 09 June 2010. The Editorial Board of MittelstandsWiki, an online reference guide for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), distinguishes for the first time SaS and cloud applications this year, which are particularly suitable for daily use in small businesses. The LexLive account portal has won from the House of Haufe Lexware. The award ceremony took place in the context of the business trade fair IT profits in Berlin. LexLive small business owners and freelancers to create their invoices, quotations and orders via the Internet ( and send with a price of under five euros per month. LexLive is very easy and without commercial expertise to use. “This Thomas Jannot, Managing Director of MittelstandsWiki and SME expert: with LexLive wins a small but fine online solution, which put an end to a classic, filled with receipts shoebox.” The MittelstandsWiki records “with the service 2 cloud Award” pragmatic, useful and customer-friendly SaS and cloud applications for small and medium-sized enterprises.

There were 22 providers that matched the criteria of the editorial jury in the competition. Thanks to the extensive expertise of the financial experts in the home Haufe Lexware is always guaranteed at LexLive that the form of the claims is always neat and secure right. About two million small businesses write bills often still by hand. That takes time and money. With LexLive that belongs to the past”, explains Jorg Frey, Managing Director of Haufe Lexware GmbH & co. KG.

The more we are pleased that the jury of the MittelstandsWiki LexLive as useful and customer friend variety cloud-computing solution for SMEs has chosen”. The award ceremony took place profits 6.0 in cooperation on Wednesday, June 9, 2010, on IT with Messe Berlin at the radio tower. The MittelstandsWiki and his journals are online-magazine of just 4 business GmbH. This is a reference book for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Terms of the economy, the world of information and telecommunications technology, and the policy are quickly found through a search function. In addition to short term definitions, the MittelstandsWiki contains know-how articles penned by professional experts.

Singapore MES Solution

Tuesday, February 8th, 2022

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First introduction of production intelligence solution ‘PILOT Suite’ in the context of the global partnership has introduced the production intelligence solution PILOT Suite for Symrise AG at the site in Singapore AG the FELTEN group. Serrig, 19.04.2010 – the FELTEN group has for Symrise AG at the site in Singapore AG production intelligence solution PILOT Suite “introduced.” Symrise is one of the four largest manufacturers of these products as a provider of fragrances and flavours and cosmetic ingredients-international. Symrise is represented in more than 35 countries. The FELTEN Group had already supports continuously as a specialist in the process industry Symrise in previous years with solutions to improve efficiency in production management. This cooperation continued systematically through a 2009 worldwide framework agreement on the introduction of MES systems. The benefits of already realized solutions and above all the culture of collaboration in the past very fertile proved”, explained Dr. Ludwig Wayne Jackson, supply chain Director F & N compounding EMEA at Symrise liquid. Therefore, it was for us.

a logical step to take advantage of these positive experiences also for more of our international production sites” As the first site of Symrise, Singapore has gone on time live. There were the production after a short implementation time intelligence solutions PILOT MES “and PILOT WDS” productive go. Following features include the solutions for Symrise: order management: the transmission, processing, and control of production orders. The orders are imported from the ERP system, and then processed in the MES. All feedback from material transactions are reported directly back to the ERP. Segmentation: It is an assignment of partial orders to a piece of equipment that is best suited for this task, and they can work most effectively. Production control: It organizes and controls the production orders.

Each Production step is documented, so that a trouble-free batch traceability is possible. Positioniersysteme & dosing system: PILOT WDS “controls the weighing systems, as well as the liquid components of metering systems.” While several production orders can be processed parallel. Equipment handling: With the help of the bar code, the operator has complete control over all containers, tanks, pallets and other production-related equipment, because all actions of the respective unit are recorded. Batch record: The batch record is the summary and documentation of all results of production, ranging from the collection of all weighed or dosed components to the collection of all used utensils and containers. The implementation of a special reporting interface belonged also to the specifics of this project. She designed system-open and allows the user itself along to his report data with any tool. The PILOT Suite “and whose products are based on a JBOSS application in connection” with an Oracle database, where the user interface with Web 2.0 technology has been implemented. Currently, the system at Symrise about 50 users is used. Since the expansion of other locations pending, is to assume that PILOT MES “and PILOT WDS” later worldwide to be used by more than 500 users. FELTEN group: The FELTEN group is an international operating software and consulting company, the solutions to optimise processes for all production areas and according to international quality standards of GMP and FDA (21CFR part 11) developed. Clients include Beiersdorf, Boehringer Ingelheim, Symrise, Sensient, Texas instruments, etc. FELTEN has become the first supplier the holistic and process-oriented production intelligence approach. The company is present except in German-speaking Europe in the United Kingdom and France.

Brainworks Eduard Meiler

Monday, December 24th, 2018

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Brainworks software inspires visitors with features and the Brainworks GmbH accompanied this specialized service Edition ‘ BlackBerry experience Forum’ with their new eMODAT around the globe. The IT specialist from Ahrensfelde in Berlin presented its innovative software for mobile data entry on the series of events. Thanks to the application, the user workflow and documentation processes easily via Smartphone or Tablet PC control. The international audience was enthusiastic in San Francisco, New York, London, Dubai and Frankfurt am Main. Rich features and intuitive operation: eMODAT was able to convince the decision makers of from diverse industries all along the line.

“We have received an excellent response at all Expos. Various companies in the logistics and the hospitality industry see an efficient solution to optimize their workflows in eMODAT’, says CEO of Brainworks Eduard Meiler. eMODAT, in addition, the visitors impressed with high compatibility. ‘ Is the management solution for all popular mobile devices available and therefore always flexible ‘, adds eMODAT project manager Marcus Heinrich. Locally informed the expert at a lecture around business apps on the varied possibilities and advantages of the new development. The option to work out individual plug-ins specifically for the own needs of Brainworks, was also among the guests. In addition, in particular the software Edition ‘eMODAT service’ attention, such as when companies from the food industry enjoyed.

In confectionery producer Edo sweets the app is already in use. ‘The specialized service suite is a real enrichment for the field staff in their professional life’, Henry white. The sales professionals so thanks to the always available data stand on past orders or preferences can check prior to a date. The customers of the new order is with the mobile device promptly recorded and passed on to our colleagues in the production. Then prepare the products for shipping before. More information about eMODAT and the Brainworks GmbH are available on the Web at and. Contact the company Brainworks GmbH phone + 49 30 8145332-0 info(at) contact for the press we at knoefler-journalist. media + communications GmbH Anastasija bar Inova, Benjamin Knofler phone + 49 6028 80729-0 devacon(at) over eMODAT: eMODAT is a development of Brainworks GmbH with seat in Ahrensfelde in Berlin. Since 2006, the software specialist designed mobile solutions based on the BlackBerry IT structure. eMODAT can be adapted to individual customer requirements when you create mobile forms. Still, it is possible to link different issues with functions and database-based fields in the forms. The OTA transmission of data ensures maximum flexibility and agility of the user.