Monday, April 9th, 2018
You have to wander in the nearby woods and find medical plant, what you need, or they seek help from neighboring cottagers with considerable experience, they are sure will give seeds or plants and roots or advise where you can get these herbs. Fungi also be correct to characterize the product-of-town activities, since this is where mushrooms grow udast'sya easily and shoot a decent enough yield. Of course, we can produce a handwritten this food in the country prefer to purchase this product at a nearby market. Only now, buying mushrooms at the market, there is no confidence in the safety of these fungi: because for the time brought to the market is not clear where the mushrooms grew, how much time was stored and what kind of conditions so that the mushrooms growing on their site, you will not doubt their importance and environmental friendliness. Also an important fact in support their growth could be that in addition, that delicious mushrooms you can not only diversify the diet of his family, for which the fry of mushrooms, be sure to be the most delicious food, but also does not guarantee an extra source of income, the more that is nothing difficult in the process of growing mushrooms at their summer cottage there. So, your table is filled up properly and the right food, and profits will increase substantially in including low cost. The most straightforward way of planting at the site of mushrooms – the use of mycelium, the plain language of mycelium. Childcare needed mycelium in the forest, gently dig it and land on your land.
In as the basis of substrate mycelium sprinkle sawdust and periodically refreshing water. As a result, after proper care you will be able to eat right in the country for its mushrooms. By visiting this site, you learn much new information about mushrooms and medicinal herbs that can easily grow on your site and do not require special equipment or expensive fertilizers. How to properly collect and preserve magic mushrooms and herbs, recipes, their harvesting – all these and much else you will be able to find out on our site, the information on it is replenished with great speed, so you're sure, will find here a lot New and smart materials.
Wednesday, March 14th, 2018
Drying of medicinal plants has the task to stop the destructive activities of enzymes ('fermentation') and thereby prevent a long time in plants began operating from their changes. Drying of the collected material is usually in attics or under the shingles or metal roof, or in special drying sheds, and, finally, in drying, but not in the sun. When drying of the plants evaporates much of the water, and because plants lose the weight around so much: Grass – 70% of the leaves – 80%, flowers – 75%, roots – 65%, bark – 45%. The collected material was dried to preserve it contains active therapeutic substances. Such substances or organic compounds are alkaloids, glycosides, tannins, essential oils, vitamins, flavonoids, etc. The optimum temperature for drying of raw materials depends on the strength and other properties of the prisoners in it active drugs. Parts of plants containing essential oils (herb St. John's wort, peppermint, thyme, etc.), dried slowly, laying a thick layer at a temperature of 25 – 30 degrees C.
The amount of essential oil in them increases in raw-dried it will be larger than the fresh plant. Vitamin raw materials (rose hips, leaves, primrose, strawberry) are dried quickly at a temperature of 70-90 degrees C to prevent oxidation of ascorbic acid. However, in cases where a plant there, along with vitamins and essential oils (blackcurrant fruit), drying temperature should not exceed 50 – 60 degrees C. The well is drying material in the open air in good weather, especially in the wind. Under direct sunlight can dry mainly fruits, seeds and underground organs of many plants (rhizomes erect cinquefoil, mountaineer snake, rhizomes with roots burnet, etc.). With so most of the medicinal plants and especially their flowers, leaves and stems to dry in these conditions is impossible. In the light leaves turn yellow, the flowers fade, losing the natural color. Only in the shade should be dry raw materials containing essential oil (thyme herb, Oregano, etc.), glycosides (herb centaury zotichnogo, Leonurus heart, lily of the valley flowers, leaves, cranberries, etc.), vitamins (the leaves of wild strawberry, primrose and others) and other substances unstable to intense light.
Sunday, May 4th, 2014
In conditions similar to the fridge, honey can be kept forever. Propolis – the same way. There is a very unstable products – royal Milk, for example. It is fit for several hours. Question: Does a spoon of honey every day on an empty stomach – the secret to good health? Answer: Yes, of course.
But the best way to take in honey diluted with water, and time dilution should not exceed 20 minutes. Q: Is Certified products, you are using a treatment? In general, bees to be certified? A: As for the bees just can not say. In terms of agriculture and nutrition certification shall be subject to the apiary. Certification is subject to honey, and are not subject to certification of other bee products. Q: Are your bees are certified? Hive, from which you get them? Answer: No, a separate certificate for I do not have bees.
I am not aware of such requirements by the regulatory authorities. Q: Do you have permission to use this method? A: Currently I am in the process of licensing. Question: Approved by a method different kinds of structures? Answer: Yes, of course. Apitherapy is included in the register of medical specialties, it is the traditional method. Q: It is treated by this method is low back pain (namely, the displacement vertebral discs), or only eases pain? Answer: Osteochondrosis is treated. Disks and herniated disks are restored, it all depends on the degree. Question: Can I do uzhalivanie yourself? A: It is necessary appropriate education. Or a person with whom you can consult. But in general things are, so that the beekeeper himself – treats, his family – treats that surround people – treats. It's everywhere. Even kings were treated exactly beekeepers, not doctors. Question: Is the treatment of alopecia bee venom? Answer: Yes, there are recipes. There is a description. I can cite the example of myself: I periodically podzhalivayu himself the crown, there is a slowing of hair, he can not estimate (Laughs), but around say that held her hair. Q: At what age can apply products containing bee venom and other bee products? A: Honey, propolis and royal jelly can be used with infancy. General recommendations for the use of bee venom – from 7 years and this is associated with the formation of the immune system. However, each case must be considered separately. Q: Why are honey cough drops below? Answer: The properties of honey can not produce such an effect. Q: What if an unauthorized bee sting? Answer: If bitten knows that he is allergic to bee venom, it is necessary to take antihistamine, and if there are no pharmacies, then drink at least 100 grams of vodka. The child should be given plenty of drink, remove the stinger, apply to the bite, and pack water to see a specialist.