Wednesday, September 28th, 2022
Claude Monet was born on February 14, 1840 in Paris. When he was five years old, the family moved to Normandy, Le Havre. My father wanted to become a grocer and Claude joined the family business, but the son was fond childhood visual art, in particular with pleasure drew cartoons. On the coast of Normandy Monet met Eugene Boudin, a well-known landscape painter and one of the forerunners of Impressionism. Boudin showed young artist some of the techniques of painting from life. In 1860, Monet was drafted and ended up in Algeria, but from the position of seven years has left it only two years old, he contracted typhus, and intervene aunt helped the artist to demobilize.
Monet went to university at the Faculty of Arts, but quickly became disillusioned with the approach to there tsarivshem painting. After leaving school, he soon entered the studio painting, which was organized by Charles Gleyre. In the studio, he became acquainted with artists such as Auguste Renoir and Frederic Bazille and Alfred Sisley. They were almost contemporaries, held similar views on art, and soon formed the core group of Impressionists. For more specific information, check out Sigmund Freud. In Academy Suisse, he met Pissarro and Cezanne. In the 1860s, young artists are introduced to Zola, and Manet.
Significant role in the work of Claude Monet, played by his work in 1869 in Bougival, where he wrote zucchini 'La Grenuyer' together with the Renoir. They created paintings marked the birth of a new artistic direction – Impressionism. In 1866 Monet paints a portrait of Camilla Dons. ("Camille, or a portrait of a lady in a green dress"). Camilla then became the wife of the artist, and they had a son, Jean. The first significant work, sums up the creative exploration of this period, began to Monet 'Luncheon on the Grass' (1865-1866), he wrote the program after the eponymous work of Edward Manet. The real work is not extant: the artist left it at the expense of paying for housing in the village of Chailly, near which he worked. But it remained a smaller version, which allows an overall view of the picture. Plot picture is simple: in the woods is home to several well-dressed men and women. Juicy dark-green range with a splash of brown and black traditions like Barbizon school, but unlike their the gathering dusk, and motion 'wet' painting of the atmosphere arising from the nuances of tone letters, filled with a transparent canvas, delightful in their everyday life and the reality of air. read more
Tuesday, September 4th, 2018
Q: Beverages? You drink alcohol? A: No, well if I take, but very little, only social. Q: do you smoke? A: No. q: What type of exercises you do? Are you going to the gym? A: Yes, gym, almost everything is cardiovascular, run, bicycle and be strong. Q: to follow any model? A: Yes, that would be more so, Enrique Ponce, of Spain. Q: have you won any Bullfight? When and how many? A: Yes, well, right now as I’m going for 5 years of novillero, I’ve been already 75 novilladas, plenty (laughter) and so I have been a winner, because I do not remember, but yes, in most. Q: do each when they are? A: depends, because there are seasons that many in a row and others that is come and stopped right now to say I started the year the first week of January and I’m not back to fight, and believe that you MI until March and speak before January, I toree in October and well it was there from October until January, but suddenlyso to speak, in June, July, if I toree 3 or 4 per month. ES Depending on the season. Q: do you remember how it was your first experience, now that the first time? A: Yes, was tiny but yes, as 15 years I think, and therefore fear for the first time, and the nerve (smile) but I liked from that day.
And it was that day that I told myself that I wanted to be a bullfighter, but because my parents did not accept it. Q: and that why? A: well, I think that by fear, or thought he was playing. I was in elementary school, I finished primary, finished high school and was when I told them that I wanted to be a bullfighter, but they ignored me, told me that ending prepa, if finishing prepa still liking me, me they already supported.
Wednesday, May 14th, 2014
United States indexes charts pointing everyone towards a downward acceleration for the next few weeks, and as we pointed out, the market fundamentals are not enthusiastic. Who intends to buy in these instances of market, should be clear that this is not forming at the moment No Bull – from the point of view of the analysis contained technician-for absolutely any term for the time, but those who look for the long term should know endure the downpour that comes and in any way disassemble purchased positions, even knowing that it will be more ugly before that better. Many initiated in markets often ask me what to do when in the midst of a decline as the current have been purchased and are desperate with each new daily low. The first thing I ask myself is: what was the term for which you defined your investment?. If the short answer, I advise you to next raised a loss limit and respect them, and if it is long, that therefore respect term that has before making the investment, and are inverted! Many investors tend to look at day to day fluctuations and see their portfolios lose value quickly. If the question of the operation had been maintaining long-term, because it is not convenient to look at the intraday because errors because of the panic can be defining in any portfolio. There s a time to go long, to time to go short and to time to go fishing (there is a time to buy, a time to sell and a time to go fishing), said Jesse Livermore, one of the great traders of the world history if I wasn’t vegetarian, I would go to look for the cane.